Elementalist (Staff)
General Power (Staff) Build
Super Optimised (Staff) Build
General Tips
- Wash the Pain Away is a very powerful heal for both you and the raid
- Switching out of Fire Attunement is a significant DPS loss
- Burning Retreat can be used as an additional evade in emergencies
- For best DPS, cast a Lava Font in between longer cooldown skills such as Overload Fire and Meteor Shower
- Flame Burst does more damage than auto-attacking
- As an Elementalist, you have the lowest survivability of any class, don't stray too far from the zerg or healer.
- Running Staff means you will not be able to contribute to break bars effectively. It is always better to continue DPS if possible rather than changing attunements to break
- Air 3 and 5 (cast with the edge of the field inside the boss hitbox) can be used to break if required, as well as Ice Bow 5 and Lightning Hammer 3 and 5
Boss Tips
Vale Guardian
- Consider changing to a Fresh Air build for this fight, or changing class entirely, as it can be very difficult to survive
- If you are suicidal or insane and want to play an Staff Elementalist here, your best role will be in the circle group
- Rebound should be used for additional sustain and group heals
- During the first phase, get in for Overload Fire in between circles
- Lightning Flash provides excellent mobility for getting to circles quickly
- Aftershock! is good for seeker control. It has long range and very long cripple application. Just remember to use it BEFORE the seekers are in the circle
- Consider replacing Glyph of Storms with Magnetic Shield for additional sustain and mobility
- If you choose to run Glyph of Storms, use it in earth to apply blinds to seekers, neutralising them effectively for 10 seconds
- Other seeker control skills: Earth 4 and 5, Air 3, Water 4. Note all of these skills cause you to leave Fire Attunement, dropping your DPS
- Meteor shower is useless beyond phase 1 and the split phases, however in phase 1 cast it with as much of the AOE outside the arena. This will cause more meteors to fall in a much smaller area and increase DPS
Gorseval the Multifarious
- Remember to slot the Fire Specialization
- Try not to use Burning Retreat off the edge of the arena, as you'll most likely die
- You will most likely be required to control Orbs beyond phase 2. A Lava Font will get an Orb below 10%, but don't quite kill it. They can be cleared with an auto attack or Flame Burst
- Consider running Ice Bow as your 3rd utility skill. It does insane DPS to Gorseval and will be a DPS boost for any class that picks up the spare.
- During the Rampage attack, you can drop a Lava Font on Gorseval, cast Ice Bow, use skills 5 (break) > 4 > 3, then change back to staff. Note if the break is slow you will take significant damage by doing this (still worth it)
- Start the fight in Air Attunement cast Glyph of Storms > Overload Air > Fire Attunement > Lava Font > Meteor Shower > Lava Font > Overload Fire > Ice bow. Continue to use Overload Fire, Glyph of Storms, Meteor Shower and Ice Bow off cooldown.
- Don't cast any these skill back-to-back, always drop a Lava Font in between for best DPS
- Run Rebound over Glyph of Elementals as Elementals will draw aggro from spirits and Rebound provides additional sustain in the face of Gorseval's oppressive Ghostly Aura
- If you have members of the raid team that do not have their Dodge key bound, you can trait into Gale Song to reduce the DPS loss from getting hit by the Slam attack
Sabetha the Saboteur
- Lightning Flash is highly recommended here as it makes dodging Flame Walls a breeze and if you are on Cannon duty helps with getting to the launch pads quickly
- Despite Sabetha's small hitbox, Meteor Shower is still higher DPS than Auto Attacking
- Same is true for Ice Bow if you are super pro and don't need Lightning Flash
- Staff Elementalist is the best class for Cannon duty due to the insane speed that you can kill the cannons.
- Lava Font > Overload Fire/Glyph of Storms > Lava Font is enough to kill a cannon. You can jump down before the cannon dies to get extra DPS on Sabetha
- Using Burning Retreat on a cannon platform will probably cause you to fall to your death
- If you are low on HPs or the raid needs a heal, you can change to Water Attunement before jumping down from a cannon platform. Overload Water will be ready to use almost as soon as you land
- Start the fight in Air so you can cast Glyph of Storms and Overload Air before changing to fire
- Try not to stand too close to Sabetha even when overloading fire, as you may find yourself with a Timed Bomb
- Lava Font can be used to clear off Karde's Flame Turrets
- Staff Elementalist can be used to kite flack, however you will be away from the healer and other group support. It is recommended to run Rebound if you do end up kiting flack
- If kiting flack, you can get in for an Overload Fire immediately after a flack shot (dodge towards Sabetha and start channeling immediately), and use - Burning Retreat to return to the edge of the platform
- Don't play a Staff Elementalist at Slothasor. Change to a Fresh Air build
- Seriously, Staff Elementalist is a liability at Slothasor and adds nothing to the group
- Yes this has been tested and it's extremely bad, tab over to the Fresh Air build now
Bandit Trio
- The first 2 bandits are all about DPS, just follow your rotation and put out as much DPS as you can
- For Narella, move to the cliff just above her and cast Lava Font and Flame Burst while throwing kegs as required
- For the 3rd utility, run Feel the Burn as the first Elementalist or Ice Bow beyond the first
Matthias Gabrel
- Due to how much Matthias moves around, you may want to consider Fresh Air
- Feel the Bum can be used to easily clear icy patches during phase 1, and Flame Burst and clear multiple patches if they are close togeather
- Gale Song can be traited to get you out of a fiery tornado
- Lightning Flash is very useful of getting to fountains quickly, or getting out of the corruption once you have dropped it at the edge of the arena
- Armor of Earth can be used if you are really stuggling with fiery tornados, just don't stand in them for too long or you'll probably die
- As this fight is more about surviving than DPS, don't be affraid to change out of Fire Attunement
- For breaks, cast Water 4, Air 3 and 5, Earth 5 and then auto attack with earth until the end of the break
- Water 5 can be used to clear conditions if needed
Siege the Stronghold
Keep Construct